Access YOUR Ultimate Power:

The Blueprint To Infinite Intelligence

Women are fed up with feeling pushed down, disregarded, and unable to speak their truth without becoming like a pushy, angry male. Whether it’s in business, relationships, or in day-to-day life, Access YOUR Ultimate Power shows you a more feminine approach to getting what you desire in life by becoming more magnetic in your ultimate power versus chasing and forcing to make things happen. Discover how to raise your energetic vibes, including your money vibrations, to the desired magical life which already exists so you can attract with ease without spinning your wheels.

Kimberly Sherry

Kimberly Sherry

broke through Dr. David R. Hawkins’ scale of human consciousness (outlined in his book Power vs. Force) in 2012 and created a NEW scale to access even higher realms of awareness with infinite possibilities of joy, love and bliss. It’s one thing to say “Raise your vibrations”, and it’s another thing to measure and know exactly where you are and whether you actually raised your vibes as far as humanly possible. By knowing how to measure your own calibrations for things like the hard working martyr, the low vibration of anger, and your money vibes, to name a few, you can seriously eliminate what prevents your highest abundant altitude.

Learn how

This is a powerful system for eliminating the low vibrations of frustrating anger, endless worry and paralyzing fears versus pushing down and managing these energies. You have access to more power and information than you ever thought possible to lead the most rewarding life imaginable. Discover your ultimate power deeply rooted in our feminine Earth; access the power of your influential, heart-focused voice to set clear boundaries; ask for what you need and tell what’s working for you or not without any need to be angry. End the debilitating programs of poverty & struggle that keep the old story alive. Your ultimate power is your human birthright and it is now within your reach! If you are ready to fully empower your life – EVERY ASPECT of your life – this book is full of all you need for that empowerment.

The information I’ve been given is not meant just for me to overcome my hardships and step more fully into my greatest gifts, it is meant for ALL of humanity!

As an energetic Spirit, you already know how to do everything detailed in this book: ‘ACCESS YOUR ULTIMATE POWER‘: The Blueprint to Infinite Intelligence’, but you have forgotten. . .

I have written this guide to help you REMEMBER what you already know and how YOU can step into your next level of personal power, whether your goal is to be more financially abundant, have better relationships, attract an aligned partner, or enjoy radiant health for longer than you’d expect!

***Kimberly Sherry is not a medical nor mental health professional. She does not diagnose nor treat medical or mental health conditions. Kimberly’s work is intended to complement working with your medical doctor or mental health professional not replace it. If you have a serious illness, or mental health disorder, please consult a medical or mental health professional. Kimberly also can not guarantee how much money you will make. She can not control the efforts one will bring to the process.